
  • How to place an order?
Choose the required custom option drop down with product page want to buy, click on add to cart button. Then go to the Shipping address and put your address and next go to Payment method add your Debit or Credit Card details and Hit Place an order.
  • Can I cancel a placed order?
Yes, you can cancel your order before it is shipped.
  • Which platform do you use to ship orders?
We ship orders with DHL & FedEx.
  • Can I change the shipping address of an order?
Yes, you can change your shipping address before your order is shipped.
  • Can I exchange my order?
Yes, you can exchange your placed order with another product, until your placed order is shipped.
  • In what conditions I can return the order?
You can return an order if you received the damaged or wrong order.
  • In how many days I can return my order?
You can return the order within 7 days.
  • What payment methods do you accept?
We warrant your debit card details are fully secure and safe here. You can use PayPal if you don't have it. You can use any other debit card to pay for your order.
  • Is your website secure?
Yes, we ensure the security of your information. You can buy from us with full confidence. We also provide 15 days money-back guarantee.
  • Do you refund the shipping charges if I return an order?
We will refund it in some circumstances like if your received order is completely damaged or you canceled your order after shipping.
  • What happens with a refund, if the card is no longer in use?
We refund the same card you have provided, if there is an error with the card contact us by email.
  • What should I do if a refund is incorrect?
We are really sorry, we've made a mistake with your refund. Get in touch without the support team.
  • Can I track my order?
Your order is sent to you with a trackable code. You can follow it. We also emailed it to you.